This form should be completed and returned to the church office at least four weeks prior to the mission trip departure date if possible. The Mt. Zion missions committee will review each request to determine if funds will be made available. Several factors are considered during this process, so please be thorough as you complete the information below. All applications will be reviewed and processed in a timely manner.
Requirements to be considered for a scholarship:
1) You must be an active member of Mt. Zion Baptist Church. This means you contribute to the building up of the body of Christ at MZ through worship, service, fellowship, giving, etc. Active members attend at least half of all worship services.
2) You must be personally committed to godly stewardship of any and all funds. This means you spend and save funds in a God-honoring way in all areas of life.
3) You must use The Missions Mobilization funds only for the designated trip.
4) The missions philosophy of the field partner must align with the missions philosophy at MZ. Participants must provide sufficient information about the field partner to determine their missions identity.